April 2021 Advisor




CEA President Jeff Leake will convene the virtual 173rd CEA Representative Assembly (RA) at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, May 15. Delegates will vote on CEA’s fiscal-year budget that supports strategic objectives, programs, and services for members. The following hearings will be held virtually, in advance of the CEA RA:

• Resolutions Hearing: May 4 • Constitution and Bylaws Hearing: May 6 • Budget Hearing: May 11 In addition, delegates will elect a CEA President, CEA Vice President, and an NEA Director. Elections will be held after the RA by mail-in ballot; ballots will be mailed only to delegates who attend the CEA RA.

The candidates for a three-year term for CEA President are Jeff Leake and Kate Dias. The candidates for a three-year term for CEA Vice President are Tom Nicholas and Joslyn DeLancey. Katy Gale is seeking the position of NEA Director. All candidate statements and photos are printed below, as received.



Joslyn DeLancey My name is Joslyn DeLancey. I am the Darien Education Association President, Fairfield County Director, and fifth grade teacher. While I have always been a

Tom Nicholas For me, being your CEA Vice President, Treasurer, County Director, NEA Director, Chair of National NEA GLBT Caucus and local president has been about being

Kate Dias My name is Kate Dias, President of the Manchester Education Association and Hartford County Director on the CEA Board of Directors. I realize that my running

Jeff Leake Jeff Leake is seeking reelection to the office of President of the Connecticut Education Association. He has previously served as Vice President and Treasurer. Jeff has been involved in union work for his

proud member of our organization, I’ve found myself feeling that CEA needs to refocus its work to support and empower locals. Teachers have too often felt

a steward of this profession. As a CEA leader it is incumbent on me to leave this profession better off than when I entered it. With all the attacks on public

for president of CEA may seem like a bold move, but I feel that it is an imperative move. In this time of

entire career as an educator and as a member of the Education Association of Cheshire, CEA and NEA. He

tremendous change and challenge, we

that their voices haven’t been heard and that their rights haven’t been protected. The stresses, fears, mistreatments of teaching during a pandemic and lack of training and resources have left educators struggling. Districts experience inequity and we have not been able to create an even playing field. Each district comes with its own set of needs. It is CEA’s job to listen to locals and work to come up with actions that support them individually. There is a responsibility to have strong and unified messages for teachers across the state. As a local leader I have held rallies, written op-eds, spoken out on news stations and BOE meetings. I have spent time listening to teachers and empowering them. I have ensured multiple reps in each building, established a strong negotiations team, and worked collaboratively with the district. I am willing and ready to speak up for the needs of our teachers and speak out against injustices. CEA needs bold and creative leaders who will bring our advocacy to the next level. A vote for me would be a vote to bring your voice back to the union and a strong and creative path forward for the teachers of Connecticut.

education, as well as dealing with a pandemic, It is a tall order to leave this profession better off than when I started. So, it will take meaningful conversations with legislators and the State Department of Education as well as concerted organizing efforts to improve our positions. Today must be our finest hour to advance our causes in the face of so much adversity. As a CEA leader I refuse to let children, teachers, and families become collateral damage while legislators and corporate money mongers wage a war of ideological words in an attempt to dismantle public education Not on my watch! I wish to be re-elected as your CEA Vice President to work with you, and for you, to make all of public education stronger. Please support me as CEA Vice President so that I may stand up for all that is just and good in public education. I thank you for this opportunity. Tom NEA DIRECTOR ALTERNATE VACANCY There is an interim opening for an NEA Director Alternate to be seated on the CEA Board of Directors. Any members interested in being nominated must notify the office of CEA President in writing. Nomination letters must be emailed or postmarked by June 30 and sent to marypats@cea.org or the Executive Assistant to the CEA President, Connecticut Education Association, 21 Oak Street, Suite 500, Hartford, CT 06106. Per the CEA Constitution, a vacancy in the office of NEA Director Alternate shall be filled by an interim appointment of the Board of Directors. Any such

need bold leadership, people that aren’t afraid to do what is right for our members even if it is a professional risk. Like many of you, the last 9 months has been full of chaos, challenge and stress. What has become apparent to me is that the voice of the teacher has been lost in all the change and urgency. In Manchester I have worked tirelessly to represent teachers. I have made sure that the concerns and anxieties educators have are heard. It is that work ethic I will bring to all of you as a state leader. While we have no idea what the future will look like for education, I am sure that we need a strong voice in the center of the conversation that demands educators be considered. I have been that voice for Manchester and Hartford County, and I can be that voice for you. Now more than ever we need state leadership that understands the daily demands of the classroom and the needs of the local. I can navigate the political and the educational challenges. I can be that voice. If you choose me, you will be heard: loud and proud.

has served in a variety of roles, including president and chief negotiator for the EAC, and as a member of the CEA Board of Directors. He has been a delegate to numerous CEA and NEA RA’s. Jeff’s extensive experience as a Connecticut teacher and union leader makes him uniquely qualified to continue as President. He continues to demonstrate an unwavering commitment to our profession and our union, knowing we must work together, with political boldness and accountability, collectively making a difference for our students and supporting them as they become thoughtful citizens and reflective human beings. Jeff’s clear understanding of our members’ concerns means he will continue to passionately support our Association members and public education, here and across America. He will work to ensure that elected and appointed leaders protect our pension system, equitably fund public schools, reduce student testing and provide professionally staffed student support programs. He will continue to build relationships with labor unions, faith groups and community organizations in support of a CT that all our residents deserve. Jeff realizes the challenges before us are great and pledges to work with you to overcome those challenges as we stand Stronger Together.


Katy Gale I changed careers from finance to teaching in my 30’s and found my life’s work. Over my years of growing as an educator and mentor, I came to understand the importance of our union in my life as well as the lives of my colleagues and students. My journey took me from the classroom to the local level of our union where I served as building rep, PAC Chair on the Executive Board, and on the Negotiations and Constitution Committees. I moved up to serve on the state level on the Resolutions Committee, eventually becoming Chairperson, where I am currently fulfilling my 5th year. In this position I had the responsibility of representing CEA to NEA during some of our most politically challenging years, working with teachers around the state and around the country on controversial issues that needed to be reflected in our belief statements; issues of racial and social justice, bargaining rights for teachers, responsible gun ownership, LGBTQ+ rights, and our immigrant population to name a few. I was schooled in the importance of listening to understand, the validity of every individual’s beliefs, and speaking truth with conviction. This led me to the CEA Board as Fairfield County Director and then as Senior County Director. Currently, I serve as NEA Director advocating with legislators on your behalf. I do believe advocating for teachers is the most important work I have done in my lifetime. Please vote for me as NEA Interim Director.

interim appointment shall continue only until the next

opportunity for an election under the bylaws, which election shall be to fill the unexpired term.

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